Game changer

Reading on a political blog, discussing why the “Occupy Wallstreet” will fail – the author makes this point:

It will fail because the protesters are still stuck in the paradigm of having to occupy territory when the battle should be fought on the Web with ideas.

And, as a point, he posted how an idea can accumulate such great random talent from all over the world for a beautiful purpose.

First, the TED video for the background…

Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir

The 1st Choir

The 200o voices choir

Yes, the bad is getting worse.

But, wow, the good is getting greater.

We live in amazing times.

(ed: I changed the post a bit – it is the accumulation of the random talent that adds to the amazement – it was a bunch of unconnected, unknown people coming together to create the beauty)

33 Responses to “Game changer”

  1. Just A Citizen Says:


    Your links are asking for Microsoft OUTLOOK passwords.

    Care to unleash them for us poor folks to see.

  2. Pangolin Says:

    Seriously, you’re a total idiot. ON THE GROUND Occupations are spreading like wildfire through the U.S. and globally. We’re WAY more popular than your precious Tea Party.

    After all, you can’t get the Tea Party people moving that fast due to their walkers and all…..

  3. Black Flag® Says:


    You missed the point – as am I learning that you do often

    It is immaterial the size and scope, it will fail because the paradigm of occupation is dissipating.

    • Pangolin Says:

      Seriously? Do you ever put your car in a forward gear? Who the hell are all these people rushing to join OWS demonstrations then? Spambots?

      Nope. We decided that boots on the ground wins. IS winning. You can fluff up all you want but you if you can’t produce a team on the field go home.

      Also, on the web, Anonymous pwns your collective asses whenever it wants to.

      • Black Flag® Says:


        Who are these people?

        People who do not know what is going on, but do know that whatever is going on is going to end badly.

        However, their answer is the reason for the problem – belief that political machinations will solve the problem of political machinations

        The battle is not in occupation, no matter the intentions.

        The battle is in the realm of ideas, and the idea that the State solves human problems is dissolving.

        But the answer to the State – which is rooted in occupation – is not occupation,.

  4. Just A Citizen Says:


    One must occupy to cause change.


  5. Anita Says:

    Woooooooow! Very cool..Very inspiring. There is hope.

    Life is so much simpler than people make it.

  6. Ed Darrell Says:

    What makes anyone think the on-the-ground boots are not there because of on-the-web organizing? Not “web is better.” “Web helps the revolution.”

    It wasn’t pictures of an empty Tahrir Square that brought down the Egyptian government. It wasn’t 100,000 tweets on a Saturday that brought down the Tunisian government.

    One of the key problems of tipping points is that they most often become apparent only after the tip.

  7. Alan Scott Says:

    Ed Darrell,

    Just what do you believe ? Are you a Communist, a Marxist, or merely a lowly Socialist?

    And let’s follow your army of occupation to it’s logical end . This is a power trip for you isn’t it ? You hated the Tea Party, but you also were very jealous at the political power they wielded. The Wall Street Occupiers are your version of the Tea Party.

    But you forget recent history. Just a year ago you lefties had Godlike power in Washington. With Obama in the White House and ginormous majorities in both Houses , you were Lords of all you surveyed. Your side ran rough shod over America.

    Those of us who do not share your vision of left wing heaven felt helpless as you destroyed our nation . The Tea Parties were a gut reaction of Americans to the political pendulum swinging too far left.

    The Tea Party sought and brought about change at the ballot box, just as God intended. They only retrieved the House from the dark side. The White House and the Senate are yours for now.

    Now the Wall Street Occupation Army is the Left’s reaction to the Tea Party. It can’t quite be the same type of reaction the Tea Party was, because the Tea Party has limited power compared to the overwhelming might you had for two years. Plus if the Occupiers are not to be hypocrites they really should protest your hero Obama who has taken a lot of Wall St. money .

    Last question and this is the important one. The Tea Party was only about winning at the ballot box. Is that what your Occupation Army is about ? You sure are hinting strongly that it is all about the seizing of power through revolution . Which of course would make them traitors to the Constitution

    • Pangolin Says:

      You lost. Where guys like this stand with OWS you’ve lost.

    • Ed Darrell Says:

      But you forget recent history. Just a year ago you lefties had Godlike power in Washington. With Obama in the White House and ginormous majorities in both Houses , you were Lords of all you surveyed. Your side ran rough shod over America.

      That never happened. You smoking some powerful stuff, or what?

      • Ed Darrell Says:

        What never happened?

        Never has there been Godlike power in Washington, not even in Lyndon Johnson’s era. Look what he had to do just to get Richard Russel to sit on the Warren Commission.

        Obama has never had significant majorities in either house of Congress, let alone “ginormous” majorities.

        Nor did Obama nor Congress run roughshod over America, with the possible exception of Tea Party/Republicans frustrating adequate stimulus legislation and rational pollution controls — but each of those is exactly opposite your claim.

  8. Black Flag® Says:


    Which side are you on?

    Do you listen to the marine or support the government?

    • Pangolin Says:

      I support the Constitution. Not always the same thing as supporting the government. Like the marine.

      “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

      The people WERE peaceably assembled. It was/has been the government that has trampled on their rights.

  9. Alan Scott Says:


    ” You lost. Where guys like this stand with OWS you’ve lost. ”

    The guy in the military uniform is loudly berating the police , who are hurting no one. Just how does OWS win ? More importantly, how do you win ? Do you actually think this is Egypt or Greece ?

    What about the reports that the OWS people are stealing from one another?

  10. Alan Scott Says:


    Hey, , , the rioters in Greece are now throwing gasoline bombs at the police. Is that what you want here ?

  11. Black Flag® Says:

    Why do you think it will not happen here?

    Remember LA?

  12. Alan Scott Says:

    Black Flag,

    Because Ed and Pangolin are such nice guys . They would never support a movement that used violence . And because OWS is just like the Tea Party , only different .

    • Pangolin Says:

      I’ve never once seen a picture of an OWS protestor carrying a gun at a demonstration. Not a single one.

      You can’t say that about the Tea Party.

      Who, really, are the people threatening others with violence if they don’t get their way? Isn’t the favorite phrase on Tea Party forums “second amendment remedies?”

  13. Alan Scott Says:


    Did the Tea Party gun carriers use their guns to intimidate anyone ? Did they use their weapons to block access to anywhere ? Did Tea Party gun carriers create a public health problem by occupying a public park for weeks? Did Tea Party gun carriers provoke clashes with the police ? Did a Tea Party gun carrier even unholster his gun ?

    Now I realize that the OWS is different than the Black Panthers, but did you object when the Black Panthers stood in front of a polling place in Philadelphia and one had a billy club in his hand? That was directly meant to intimidate voters and your hero Obama did nothing . If the clan had done that all hell would have broken out .

    Actually I hope OWS continues . With Obama taking more money than Republicans from Wall Street, if OWS comes out for the President , they have a real conflict.

    • Pangolin Says:

      So let’s get this straight. It only takes on black man with a stick to scare the hell out of every white racist in america? No wonder you silly prigs cling to your guns. If he had been trimming his nails with a pen knife you’d have called out the National Guard.

    • Ed Darrell Says:

      Now I realize that the OWS is different than the Black Panthers, but did you object when the Black Panthers stood in front of a polling place in Philadelphia and one had a billy club in his hand? That was directly meant to intimidate voters and your hero Obama did nothing . If the clan had done that all hell would have broken out .

      I doubt any of that happened as you claim. Got news reports, or other documentation?

  14. Alan Scott Says:


    You are a victim of a lack of facts. Which is why you can’t grasp that Global Warming is an anarchist fraud, but that’s another discussion . Let me bring you up to speed. First the folks being intimidated from voting were not white racists, at least there is no evidence . Second as I recall the guy who famously showed up at an Obama rally with a holstered gun was BLACK . Of course your friends in the media obscured that fact!!!!

    So to you every white American is racist? Again. look up the Black Panther video and then honestly tell me the guy with the billy club , In His Hand, is not threatening anyone who wants to vote . If you do, you have no honesty. Tell me that a billy club in the hand of a uniformed large man guarding a door, is not more threatening than a holstered gun on a broken down hillbilly ?

  15. Alan Scott Says:

    Ed Darrell,

    ” I doubt any of that happened as you claim. Got news reports, or other documentation? ”

    Do you live in a cave or under a rock, that you are not aware that this happened ?

    Since you do not believe me and are not capable of doing the most elemental search for it, here you go !

    Now think, , , would Obama’s Justice Department have prosecuted white supremacists for doing this same thing in Harlem ?

    • Ed Darrell Says:

      Two guys dressed like two guys in Philly might dress. One has a stick — apartment security guy? No one passing in and out of the building five feet away from them seems in the least bit concerned. They do nothing to intimidate anyone.

      One of the Republican goon squad video hoax units shows up. The guys do nothing to them.

      Like I said, I doubt any of it happened as described — and your video shows it didn’t. There is no case here to worry about.

  16. Black Flag® Says:


    But you forget recent history. Just a year ago you lefties had Godlike power in Washington. With Obama in the White House and ginormous majorities in both Houses , you were Lords of all you surveyed. Your side ran rough shod over America.

    That never happened. You smoking some powerful stuff, or what?

    Ed, can you clarify on “what never happened” for you?

    You deny Obama is not in the White House?

    You deny the Democrats controlled both Congress and the Senate during the first two years of Obama’s Presidency?

    You deny the Democrats pushed through their agenda during this time?

    Since all three of these statements are matters of fact, I cannot understand your post here at all.

  17. Alan Scott Says:

    Ed Darrell,

    This just confirms to me that you are not serious. I found you a video you do not believe. There are sources in print that you would not believe either . So whatever you do, don’t try to research this yourself .

    Lets just say that you could be right . Now my side says these are the new Black Panthers . Now stay with me, it gets tricky here . Don’t you think that the new Black Panthers would be screaming and crying fraud or they would sue the right wing for defamation if this were untrue ? Don’t you think Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be in front of news cameras, condemning the fraud ? Don’t you think Obama’s Justice Department would take advantage of a right wing smear and prosecute their political enemies ?

    You inability to apply logic and critical thinking is appalling . Just what I would expect from the way you argued for man made Climate Change .

  18. Alan Scott Says:

    Black Flag,

    Have you seen the OWS riots in Oakland, CA. ? Real classy people .

  19. Black Flag® Says:


    It is merely a warm up.

    Wait until the real crisis hits – cities will burn.

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